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Response to Anthony.


1. Since we know that there is really no consensus on the definition of religion, there should be no special privilege granted to any person, only because she/he is carrying a religious label.

2. Some people try to label some other people "white supremacists" before attacking them, even though the attacked deny being "white supremacists", while at the same time, the same people refuse to call some terrorists "Muslims", even though the terrorists proclaim themselves as "Muslim". Is that a coherent thinking? (I assume the majority of us have a higher I.Q. than people like Barack Obama,)

3. In fact, the government of U.S. has been promoting Islam for decades since the end of world war II, although the U.S. constitution prohibits it from doing that. (One of the tons of the best examples is that Carter and Reagan together gave the Mujahidin, a radical Islamic group, $40-billion-dollar-worth weapons. Even today, the American military personnel and tax payers are still paying the high price.)

4. The Jewish establishment did have strong historical ties with the Protestants, however, not with all Christians, such as, Catholics and Orthodox, in general. And the Protestants have always been allies with the Ottomans, the leading jihadi Islamists since the 11th century. Besides, the Jews have also been strongly connected with the Ottomans. So, we are witnessing decades of American-Anglo-Judeo-Ottoman manipulation in the Middle East. Of course, the Wahabi Saudis got oil and are in bed with the American-Anglo oil companies, the British monarch and the American oligarchs, which makes the whole situation even worse.

5. I don't see the mistreatment of Muslims in U.S. at the government level. However, I do notice the mistreatment of the Atheists, the Orthodox, the Catholics, the Hindos, etc., by the U. S. government all over the world.

6. I don't think we should play one bit of identity politics, as the main stream media has been trying to make us play.

7. I think we should focus on eliminating the real usurpers,--- the global fascistic monarchists and oligarchs who control our governments and formed all of those self-proliferating and perpetuating macro-organisms, such as, military-industrial complex, brain-washing-main-stream-media, establishment of both major parties, foreign policy establishment, CIA/FBI, etc. In other words, deal with the horses, not the zebras.

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