It has been too long that our country's policies, both domestic and foreign, don't make any sense, since the powerful usurped all the political and economic thrones decades ago. Now, we are witnessing so many symptoms of a sick degenerate empire, rather than a healthy republic promised by our Constitution. The major symptoms are, but not limited to:
1. Freedom of thought is suppressed.
2. Poor quality of education and distorted history teaching.
3. Media are propagandizing.
4. Government does not serve people.
5. Unharmful countries are demonized and regarded as enemies, and even invaded and occupied.
6. Harmful countries are subsidized and hugged as allies.
7. Endless regime changes staged for the worse.
8. Terrorists are always supported.
9. True freedom fighters are always slaughtered, women mistreated, basic human rights ignored.
10. Health care, jobs, dwellings, education are always underfunded.